By offering to ‘mix and match’ our services, we can assist you to achieve your goals, drawing on the expertise and experience of our consultants across a wide skill set.
Our areas of expertise include:
By offering to ‘mix and match’ our services, we can assist you to achieve your goals, drawing on the expertise and experience of our consultants across a wide skill set.
Our areas of expertise include:
If your goal is to maximise your independence, we are able to assess and advise on suitable options including therapy intervention, life-style adaptions and innovative solutions.
We have expertise in the NDIS requirements for ‘reasonable and necessary supports’ and can undertake assessments and report recommendations for assistive technology to support achievement of your goals.
Your life-style fitness goals can be developed with support from us in designing a program adapted to your physical or psychosocial abilities. Our consultants can support you to pursue your goals whether that be a career as an elite athlete, participation in sports in your local community or leisure pursuits at home.
Our occupational therapists can assist with daily living assessment, daily living planning, skills training, assistive technology and home modification recommendations to assist your independence and safety.
Assessing your Wheelchair and Mobility Needs – we can undertake as assessment of your wheelchair needs, including prescription, liaison with suppliers, NDIS report recommendations based on ‘reasonable and necessary supports’.
Accessories can also be assessed, such as seating comfort, cushions and safety adaptions. Vehicle access assessments, either as a driver or passenger can be included at selected branches, along with driving assessments.
We are skilled in functional and ergonomic workplace assessments to ensure your work environment is adapted to meet your needs. Skills training to assist you maintain your fitness and abilities in the workplace can be provided.
If you are furthering your education at home and/or attending an educational facility we can assess the environment and advise on adaptions and assistive technology. By offering techniques that support your active participation, we can help support the achievement of your educational goals.
Our consultants are skilled in conducting vocational assessments, can develop a work readiness program with you and provide you with support and practical advice as you actively look for work either as a member of the paid workforce, or in a voluntary position.